Author Archives: s12000606marialincoln

About s12000606marialincoln

22 year old Welsh gaming nerd who loves just about anything to do with Pokemon - Computing student @ Uni Graduate next year ;D

Here is a 16×16 pixel animation created using Photoshop, I have also used Photoshop Animation to create this effect.

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PAC-MAN game

Last week with Nathan we were given a task to create a Pac-Man game built for a mobile device of our choice, I chose the Iphone 4s as it is the phone I have at the moment and it is … Continue reading

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Mario Animation

In Nathan’s classes we have been learning how to use Photoshop to enhance PowerPoints and other work.  We were set a task to make a simple Mario game using Powerpoint. I have provided the link to the Youtube video where … Continue reading

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Pictorial Composition

The homework task for this week is to try to identify composition types within 3 images of my choice, and critically analyse each image in terms of composition. The first picture I want to analyse is this Sonic image, which … Continue reading

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Dice drawings (final)

Here are the final outcomes of the dice using the construction lines as shown in previous post. The light source is meant to be coming down from the top left hand side, so the darker shading is on the left … Continue reading

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How I set up my dice drawing

The next homework task was to draw a non regular object using the techniques learnt. I have decided to draw dice because it is quite a simple object and required me to work out where the lines go in order … Continue reading

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Archway perspective – (attempt2) with shading

Here is my second attempt of drawing the arch way I think that this attempt looks a lot better than my first attempt this being because I took more time on the shading and where the darker and lighter areas … Continue reading

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Archway perspective – (attempt2) before shading

As you can see here I have re done the arch way drawing without using shading. This archway was a lot easier to redo with the help of the powerpoint on moodle. The next upload will be the completed drawing … Continue reading

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Arch way drawing (first attempt)

Also in today’s creative media lesson we had a go at drawing an arch way using the same technique as the previous perspective drawings where everything leads back to the (central vanishing point). This drawing is more complex but taken … Continue reading

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Object perspective

Here you can see I have drawn a old looking book using drawn guidelines, there was no vanishing point for this exercise so we had to establish the thickness of the book just by using a ruler and a few … Continue reading

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